or F2F-

Conferences –

Let's start




F&U confirm

Leipziger KUBUS

Room 130 | Erdgeschoss

Permoserstraße 15

04318 Leipzig

phone: +49 341 6025-5810


conference (at)

How to get there

By tram: From Leipzig main station please take tram no. 3 (direction Sommerfeld or Taucha) to the stop Torgauer/Permoserstraße, then walk into Permoserstraße. After approx. 300 meters you will find the Leipziger KUBUS on the left. Travel time approx. 15 min.

By car: Coming from the A14 (exit Leipzig-Ost) on Permoserstraße in the direction of the city centre, until you see the sign for the KUBUS underground car park. Leipzig has a low emission zone, which can only be entered with a green sticker.

Inside the building: Coming through the revolving door (with the globe) please go through the foyer and turn right into the office tract, first door on the right side (130).


Webconferences  | Virtual, hybrid or on-site?

Some thoughts on event planning these days

It was not only the global pandemic that brought us into really close contact with virtual events. Even before things like sustainability and inclusion played a big role in planning and realisation. Here, online-based solutions may help.

Even though many of us are looking forward to participate in a “real” conference with “real” people, still virtual and hybrid formats will stay with us. This is a good thing, we think, as they bring a lot of advantages, e. g.:

Sustainability: With big international conferences the biggest CO2 source is transport. Quite often a speaker flies around the globe just to deliver a 30 min keynote. And even with those travelling more locally it still sums up quickly. Having the conference at least partially virtual emissions can be reduced a lot.

Inclusiveness: At those virtual conferences that we supported we suddenly had guests from Ghana, India and Iran who participated actively, asked questions and brought their individual perspectives into the discussion. With on-site conferences it used to be a serious hassle to get officially invited speakers from countries as often no visa were granted. Or travelling costs could not be covered by their institutions, and the conference itself had no or only limited means to support them. With participating online all this fell away, giving people from countries with strict entry restrictions or from not so wealthy institutions a chance to participate in the international scientific dialogue.

The same goes for people with e. g. physical handicaps: Sadly not every conference venue is easily accessible, also travelling might not be all simple for everybody. Access to one’s own computer might be much easier here. In addition, reading aids/voice output may be used to access for example documents way more easily – or at all.

Money: While a hybrid conference basically is the most expensive option out of the three (mostly due to additional technical requirements) this could be balanced otherwise. A smaller number of attendees on-site might mean lower costs for rooms and catering. At the same time more people might choose to attend online thus creating more revenue. Additionally a hybrid conference offers a higher potential for special tickets (see also inclusiveness).

The main question is how to realise the virtual part of a conference. By now there are many good solutions available that do not cost the earth and are still more than a simple Zoom link collection.

There are of course complete virtual worlds available where people move around as avatars.

But these might be a bit over the top in most cases. Or are they not?

Time: Choosing between all the conferences happening during the year can be tricky. Often not only the fees are considered, but also the time factor: Where is the conference? How long does it take to get there? Will I get time off for this long?

In our experience many people have learned to appreciate saving time by not travelling. Others have registered for more conferences than before as there was still money left in the budget (no travelling costs to be considered), but also because a virtual participation allowed them to choose and register spontaneously, sometimes participating only in individual parts of the event. (And let’s be honest: Who has attended each on-site conference from beginning to the end?)

We are convinced that future events will be held on-site and with direct contact. At the same time, we do see and appreciate the possibilities that virtual elements can offer. Of course, a hybrid conference is a lot different from one purely on-site. With a bit of creativity, though, successful events can still be brought to life.

Are you considering to go hybrid or virtual with your event – be it a simple meeting, a workshop or a congress – but are not completely sure about the best way?

Feel free to get in touch with us.

We will find solutions for successful events together with you.



A kind word costs nothing

and yet it is the most beautiful gift.

Daphne du Maurier