or F2F-

Conferences –

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Dr. Hildegard Feldmann Manager, biologist, journaliste

Hildegard majored in biology and journalism, later doing her PhD in biology at the University of Mainz. In 1992 she moved to Leipzig and started working at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in 1993. She oversaw thesis projects at the Staatliche Studienakademie Breitenbrunn’s degree in Tourism Economy, specialisation Event Management. Since 2011 she trains students in Event Management for the IHK Leipzig (Leipzig Chamber of Commerce and Industry).

Ogarit Uhlmann MSc

Manager, phycicist, M.Sc. in geophysics and planetary physics

Ogarit majored in Physics at the TU Chemnitz-Zwickau and went on to complete a Master of Science in Geophysics and Planetary Physics in Newcastle upon Tyne. She moved to Leipzig in 1994 where she finished a Diploma in Physics in 1995 at the University of Leipzig. Ogarit Uhlmann worked for the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ with geographical information systems. In addition she is working as an author.

Susanne Lange

Project manager, geographer (Dipoma)

Susanne finished a Master in Geography at the University of Leipzig, with time abroad in Kazakhstan and Mongolia. She works for F&U confirm since 2003.

Franziska Zezulka

Project assistant, certified translator (Diploma)

Franziska finished a Master in translation for Arabic and English at the University of Leipzig, with additional qualifications in French and German as a Foreign Language. Her studies brought her to Syria, Ireland and Morocco. Before joining the team of F&U confirm in 2016, Franziska Zezulka worked at the University of Leipzig, the German Jordanian University in Amman, Jordan, and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, as well as a freelance translator. She also supported F&U confirm on a freelance basis for many years.

Diana Narva

Project manager
Industrial clerk
B. Sc. psychology student

As a trained industrial clerk, I primarily have experience in sales and service marketing. The organisation of internal/external event series as well as the trade fair in Frankfurt am Main were among my main tasks. I have been part of the F&U confirm team since 2020 and look forward to supporting clients in planning and organising scientific conferences. In addition to my work, I am studying psychology. My focus is on work and organisational psychology.

Mario Helm

Project assistant, certified translator (Diploma)

Mario studied law, translation (Spanish & Portuguese) and German as a Foreign Language at the University of Leipzig. He worked and works for the universities at Leipzig (Germany) and Concepción (Chile), among others. For many years now Mario Helm supports F&U confirm as a technical and organizational assistant, as well as with translations, layout and proof-reading.

Jana Kachler


Jana Kachler studied agricultural economics at the University of Copenhagen with a research stay in Cambodia. She then worked as a research assistant at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research and the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). Jana Kachler has been working at F&U confirm since 2024.

Volker Grescho

Surveyor and geoinformatician

Volker Grescho is a cooperation partner of F&U confirm. You can find out more about his services at He is a trained surveying technician and studied geoinformatics at the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences. He has worked for several engineering firms, OLANIS GmbH and the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig, among others.

Manuela Deuber

Japanologist and tourism manager

After studying Japanese Studies in Munich and spending time abroad in Tokyo, Manuela Deuber moved to Leipzig in 2021. There she completed an additional dual study programme in tourism management with a focus on event management. Manuela Deuber has been working at F&U confirm since 2024.